ceramic, wasp bodies
Insects are creatures that we kill without a blink of an eye, then sweep them up and throw in the bin.
Wasps being unuseful to humans represent here all the organisms that according to the anthropocentic Christian culture do not have a soul, which means they don’t deserve to be burried and their lives to be respected.
Bodies used in this piece come from a nest that the wasps created on artist’s balkony. She had been finding their bodies in different corners of her flat for months.
The coffins were designed in a way which would allow to keep the natural body position after death, there are four different shapes based on the positions most of the wasps died in. The customisation of the coffins emphasizes the importance of life of all beings and pays tribute to their lives.
This art piece was presented at a solo exhibition in Kulturhauz in Torun, as a part of Gdańsk Meine Liebe series. The opening of the exhibition also included a music live act made by the artist. The music was produced solely from sounds made by wasps.
It also took part in multiple publications and group exhibition including "Eko Materia" in the National Musem in Gdańsk or "Gniazdo" in Zbrojownia Sztuki.